Composite Wood Products

Earlier this month FurnitureCart team has started the Ultimate Guide to Wood Furniture. We have discovered what kinds of wood are usually used for furniture production and common wood finishes. You are welcome to check them out, if you are a newcomer at our blog. Today we continue with the third and last chapter of…

Wood Finishes

Last week we started the first chapter of our ultimate guide to wooden furniture, speaking about wood types. Today we continue telling you more about the kinds of wood finishes. As we have pointed out in the high trends for 2018, wood is one of the highlights for the home decor and one cannot miss…

Wood Types

Wood is believed to be one of the top-trends in 2018. So, today, FurnitureCart team starts the ultimate guide to the wooden furniture. “Chapter One” is dedicated to common woods used in furniture. Wood is used for making furniture from the immemorial time, and no wonder it comes nowadays in many different styles. One can…